The Prusa MK3S Is An Amazing 3D Printer Everyone Should Have

A long time ago, I had no idea what 3D printers could do. Flash forward to now, and my Prusa MK3S+ has allowed me to make hundreds of gadgets, miniatures, and everyday household objects.

Why should you own a 3d printer, you might ask? Let’s say you need something fixed around the house. Instead of spending $20 or more, you can easily 3d print what you want. You can also make anything from neat signs, household items, and anything you can think of. 3D Printing has been around for a long time, and there are hundreds of thousands of models.

Now let’s get down the printer itself, the Prusa MK3S+. I’ve owned this for about two years now, and I wish i had it sooner. Lots of 3d printers require tinkering and fine tuning, and this printer does a lot of the work for you. It’s got auto mesh-bed leveling, along with a first-time calibration setup. Other features such as PID tuning and a filament sensor making 3d printing much easier.

I’m not just saying that – I’ve owned printers before this one, and all of them felt way too difficult. I’m not someone who wants to learn every in-and-out of 3D printing, I just want to make cool stuff. However, you can certainly also go all out if you wish.

Other neat features of the MK3S include support for multiple filaments – You can use PLA, PETG, ASA, Polycarbonate, and Polypropylene. If your new to all of this, we recommend PolyLite PLA Pro by Polymaker.

Right now, every household doesn’t have a 3D Printer. I give it another 5 years, and they will be everywhere. There are so many use cases, and the entire community is very helpful.

You can purchase the MK3S for $899. Prusa also has a newer model, the M4KS, for $1,099.

Image Source: Prusa