While Artificial Intelligence can help us in many ways, we need to start understanding what it can do as a whole. The dangers of AI are increasing, and we must teach people how to use it fairly.
Artificial Intelligence can do great things for us. We don’t think we need to destroy it, we just want people to understand it. There’s nothing wrong with using AI in tech such as phones and Amazon Alexa, it can help people. Heck, even Google’s Gemini will start allowing people to converse with it. AI can be a great tool for teaching yourself things, and improving your life. However, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that AI could replace humans in many ways – such as jobs.
Dangers of AI Taking Jobs
We’ve already seen this happen. Companies like McDonalds and Wendy’s tried to use it in the Drive Thru. While this can be helpful to people who don’t speak English, tech like this can reduce jobs and give companies a reason to cut costs. Companies need to invest it the people, not technology.
We don’t necessarily think something like SkyNet will ever happen, AI won’t turn into robots and start murdering us all. That only happens in movies. However, it’s definitely changing the job market. Companies like Microsoft and Google are the ones who will cut costs, and ditch people. We’ve already seen this, too. In July, Microsoft let 1,500 people loose and blamed it on Artificial Intelligence. More companies, like Suno.AI, allow people to create music. If people can create their own, they won’t listen to artists.
Heck, even companies like us are being hurt by Artificial Intelligence. When people can get the news easier, they don’t need us. AI can also help people write articles, bridging the gap between humans. We believe humans should be writing the news, not AI. We’ve even made a pledge to never use it, but that’s a whole different topic.
This all comes back to what we believe – companies need to not submit to an Artificial Intelligence takeover. If they want to allow employees to use it, that’s one thing. Firing people to take the easy way is only going to outrage the public, and hurt reputation.
Dangers of AI Deepfakes and Privacy
Imagine this – someone who used to know is plotting against you. They have recordings of your voice. Using AI, they could easily upload something of you online. They make you say something controversial, and sent it to your employer and social media. To keep good relations with the public, they have to let you go. This could easily be a thing, and we need to be aware of it. Video and Photo is also a thing, your face can be put anywhere and it’s really believable.
Companies can also use it to collect more data on you. After all, data sells. Artificial Intelligence can be used to track you to other sources, and link more information to you. This can all be done automatically too. You will no longer have privacy. Are you going to the bathroom? Artificial Intelligence knows you are out of toilet paper. Here, let me order you some.
Conclusion: The Dangers of AI are real.
It’s clear that the Dangers of AI are a thing. We believe people should have access to it, but we need to think about the future. If we don’t start to understand what’s going on now, we are going to hurt our future. We need to limit ourselves, and set locks to where it cant go. Right now, some states have made deepfakes illegal, which is a step in the right direction. However, we need these kinds of precautions all across the globe. Next time you use AI, think about the future.